About Us

We’re passionate about helping you create a healthier, happier home without breaking the bank.

Nobody likes using harmful chemical products, but going green isn’t always easy either. Safe and natural alternatives are often unnecessarily expensive or worse, they simply don’t work.

We’re on a mission to change that, because we believe everyone deserves to experience the benefits of using safe solutions that aren't filled with harsh and harmful chemicals.

How?...you ask. It’s simple really. We carefully select only the most essential and where possible, natural ingredients that are actually proven to work while removing all the harmful additives you’ll find in other products. By using only the safest and fewest ingredients needed to get the job done, you’ll never “pay for poison” again. Because sometimes less really is more.

We also believe in putting people over profits. For us, our wealth is your wellbeing. That’s why you’ll find that none of our solutions come with the hefty price tag you’d expect. Now every home can enjoy going natural with Aleev.

Our Values